The Divide Podcast

Join us as we take a pub-meet approach to a specific geeky topic every fortnight. Anything from gaming and technology to comic books and RPGs are up for discussion as we try to take apart topics we find interesting.

Episode 05. "Jar Jar Abrams", a Star Wars special!

Two hour special where we geek out about everything Star Wars - from taking another look at the original films (and prequels) to talking about our favourite Star Wars spin-off games and comics. The Force Awakens spoilers are confined to the last segment of the show with plenty of warning!

Two hour special where we geek out about everything Star Wars - from taking another look at the original films (and prequels) to talking about our favourite Star Wars spin-off games and comics. The Force Awakens spoilers are confined to the last segment of the show with plenty of warning!

Show Links

- Changes in the special editions of Star Wars (why add CGI rocks!?!?)

We did have some more but we forgot to make a note of them... shout at us on Twitter if you want a link for anything specific we mentioned!

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